A faithful dog was rescued and is now healing and seeking for a new home.

Charlie’s starving body proved the heaviness of his nine years of life.

This dilapidated puppy was found next to his deceased father and although his muscles are not the greatest, his heart and loyalty remain for his master, writes fancy4workIt’s not known exactly what caused the death of the person

responsible for Charlie, but the day authorities found him isn’t the first time they’ve visited the place.Just six months before the day the body was found, police arrived at the residence to determine the pet’s condition.“We responded to a

complaint about this home about six months ago in February and came in for a checkup,” said Kerry McKeel of Harris County Animal Shelter.Perhaps the owner did not notice Charlie as much as he should, but this did not stop the faithful

animal from refusing to abandon him, even after his death.We know that this is not the first time cases like this have been reported in which pets remain until the end with their owners’ bodies. However, Charlie’s story has touched many people

because this is a friend who is not being cared for the best.However, their loyalty is unconditional and that is why they have joined forces to offer him the opportunity for a better life.In the first instance, the Harris County Animal Shelter was

the entity that was responsible for the well-being of this little friend. The volunteers bet that love and proper care would allow the dog to regain a little weight and strength.“We think he will make a full recovery. This is more than just a case of

an animal being left home alone due to the death of the owner,” said Kerry McKeel.Although somewhat shy, Charlie is a brilliant dog and although the transition from the house to the shelter was difficult, we know that his life will improve.

After the news of his life broke, the Friends of Emma Medical Rescue group in Fort Worth decided to intervene.Emma will be in charge of providing the necessary medical attention, treatment and a rehabilitation service as they are specialized

in dealing with cases of puppies like Charlie who have suffered from neglect.“We are slowly trying to get him on the proper medication and to start eating again,” McKeel said.In February, when officers first visited Charlie’s home, the

animal seemed stable and there was no reason to separate him from his owner.However, when he was finally rescued , the puppy had a skin infection , was losing his hair, and his eyes were drawn.See for yourself the state of this faithful

companion.A deeper check-up revealed a long list of health problems that Charlie will have to deal with, hence the importance of his medical evaluations and care until he is available for adoption. If you want to see the progress of this

loyal little friend or help him, you can go to the page of the person responsible for him on Facebook.Charlie is a prime example of puppies: loyal and light-filled creatures. Share her story and help us change her life.

Source: fancy4work.com