When your cat brings home a new friend 🤣

When your cat brings home a new friend 🤣

One morning, as you wake up, you find an unexpected new member in your home, perhaps a mouse, a rabbit, and so on. This comes as no surprise when you have an outgoing cat as a pet. I would never trust a large snake anywhere close to my cat. Think about it! If they can kill and eat rabbits, they can do the same thing to a cat. I used to have a 18-ft Burmese python, and I fully trusted her around me, but I would never trust her around another animal because they can easily become lunch. alle Menschen werden Brüder, was?!

Alle Tiere werden Brüder – geht auch, aber es passt nicht so richtig alles!…Ich möchte nicht dass meine Katze mit einer Rate schläft oder mit einer Schlange. Es gibt Sachen, die einfach nicht zusammenpassen und auch nciht schön sind! 3:50 a bear cub and tiger cub in one room. Who can enable species-appropriate husbandry? Nobody, animal cruelty!