The Word “GOD” аppeаrs on Turtle Shell, Fаct Checking Site Determines It’s Reаl

A photograph shows markings on a turtle’s shell that closely resembles the word “God.”, an online fact-checking site and reference source determined the authenticity of the photograph is real.

The Facebook page “Country n Garden” recently shared an image that showed a turtle with a surprising shell. The markings on it looked to spell out the word “God.”

The post was captioned “Hey Look! The artist signed His Name!” Fans were amazed by the turtle’s shell and truly believe this was no accident. This was an example of God’s incredible masterpieces.

One user wrote, “Yes God’s creation. Beautiful.” Another wrote, “Unbelievable!! God works in many ways! I would love to have that creature of God…” This photo has gone viral before and many online users debated whether it was real.

The phenomena of people seeing words or objects in a noticeably random pattern (also known as pareidolia) are really open to interpretation. Some online users wrote that they saw other words including “Goo” and “Goid.” Some say they didn’t see a word at all.

While one can interpret the markings on the shell differently, this photograph is unaltered.

The photograph documents real markings on a turtle’s shell. Snopes was able to find a second photograph of this unique turtle from a credible source: a veterinary clinic in Ohio.

In May 2013, the Oxford Veterinary Hospital posted a photograph of the same turtle on their Facebook page. The photo went viral with 310k reactions, 20k comments and 33k shares.

It appears that God really did leave His signature on this amazing creature.

What an incredible artis God is!