Mischievous Horse Plays “Dead” to Avoid People from Riding him in Korea

A horse has come up with an ingenious way to stop people from riding him – by playing dead every time someone tries to mount up.

Jingang is unrelenting in his bid to stop people from riding him around the local countryside.Every time someone tries to clamber on his saddle he crumples to the ground in a heap, sometimes leaving his hooves in the air.

Jingang, also the name for a rural town in China, is unrelenting in his bid to stop people from taking him for a ride around the local countryside (pictured, falling to the ground)

Footage of his amusing exploits has now emerged on a Korean website, showing the mischievous creature resisting every attempt by locals to ride him.

One local, who appears to be trying to teach Jingang at a ranch, says: ‘It’s cute but naughty.’

While another, in a bid to show just how cheeky the horse can be, walks towards Jingang as he’s getting back up – only for the animal to play dead once more.

Every time someone tries to clamber on his saddle he crumples to the ground in a heap (pictured), sometimes leaving his hooves in the air.The clip shows a horse named Jingang bucking and flopping to the ground whenever someone tries to hop in the saddle.

To complete the effect, he even lolls out his tongue and twitches his eyes while prone in what the scorned riders dub a “cute but naughty” performance.

“He’s just playing dead,” sighs a bemused horseman, whose point is proved when Jingang stands up immediately after the rejected rider leaves.

However, when the cowboy makes like he’s trying to make a second pass at the horse, Jingang topples to the dirt once again.

Jingang’s Oscar-worthy performance has prompted an outpouring of support online, with one newfound fan musing, “That horse is a genius, wish I could just do that every time someone I don’t like comes near me.”

Dozens have commented on footage of the horse, whose name is also that of a rural town in China.One said: ‘That horse is a genius, wish I could just do that every time someone I don’t like comes near me.’

While another said: ‘He’s not lazy. Here’s smart. Why carry such a heavy load when you can get away with it.’And someone else said: ‘Is it just me or is that horse smiling while playing dead?’