In This Adorable Video, A Little Horse Is Having The Time Of Its Life Following A Gigantic Human

All small animals are cute, but this miniature horse newborn is melting hearts all over the internet.

The three-day-old Sammy appears to be having the time of his life while chasing the farm’s owner. Of course, it all takes place under the watchful eye of his mother, Grace, who is intently watching the wonderful event unfold.

“After evaluating the comments on this topic, we think that it would be in the public interest and – within our discretionary

authority to prioritize ensuring that the most commonly recognized service animals [i.e., dogs, cats, and miniature horses] are accepted for transportation,” the USDOT says.

And if you’ve ever wondered how these cute critters came to be, it appears that they were created in the 16th century as a result of

selective breeding and were originally kept as pets by Europe’s elite. Miniature horses can reach a height of 38 inches and live for 25 to 30 year’s.
