Biggest roadblock of lions in Africa. Kruger National Park (Video)

Biggest roadblock of lions in Africa. Kruger National Park (Video) OMG!! So amazing! I like this so much. Thanks for sharing 🙂

What a beautiful sight with well-organized and mutual understanding among the pack. Thank God there are still lions in existance for our future generations! Thank you so much for sharing.

Africa is incredible. I’ve traveled all over the continent and it never ceases to amaze me. The people, the natural world, I understand why it’s the place where humanity began

I get the feeling you were really surprised when they all began to sit down in the warm of the road. If you have the time, would you let us know what the outcome was. How long you stayed there. How long they stayed. It was a magnificent sight and thank you so much for the film.

What an amazing sight! Beautiful and proud ! I would be quite happy to be in this type of traffic jam. Thank you for sharing this magnificent video! 🦁🦁🦁❤❤❤