Baby Sea Lion Jumps onto Boat to REST and Cuddles with Boater in California

One lucky sailor had an incredible experience when a baby sea lion boarded his boat in California then spent over half an hour affectionately snuggling into his leg.

The man, called J.R. Gilkinson, uploaded a video of the astonishing event to YouTube where it has had 290,000 views.

Gilkinson described the footage as ‘My Life Changing Experience with a Baby Sea Lion’ and ‘A day at sea that I will never forget!!!’

New friend: This sea lion pup jumped on board a boat and then nuzzled the leg of the sailor on board for over half an hour

New friend: This sea lion pup jumped on board a boat and then nuzzled the leg of the sailor on board for over half an hour

The sailor said that the welcome visitor hopped on their boat approximately two miles off the coast of Newport Beach, California, on May 18.

The pup first swims round the boat and then climbs aboard. Eventually the creature moves closer to the Gilkinson and then nuzzles and rubs its head against the man’s leg.

Throughout the video he can be heard urging his 11-year-old niece not to touch the wild animal. But after several minutes of unusual affection from the animal, he can resist the temptation no longer.

Affection: JR Gilkinson said it was a life-changing experience
The sea lion then apparently stayed with Gilkinson for some time. The man told The Huffington Post: ‘It was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had.

‘I appreciated every second because I didn’t know how long it was going to last.’ He continued that the encounter was ‘completely on the sea lion’s terms.’

‘He wanted to come rest on me,’ Gilkinson said. ‘So we let him.’Wildlife experts are concerned about the health of sea lion pups in California this year.

Sarah Wilkin, the marine mammal stranding coordinator for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told Global Post that five times the usual number of the baby animals are coming into the Southern Californian coastline weak and near death.

‘Nobody was quite prepared for the scope of this,’ said Wilkin. ‘The major common factor for all these stranded pups is that they’re coming in emaciated, dehydrated, basically starving.

‘They have been unable to find enough food to sustain themselves.’